Our Weight Management Program directs you to your ideal body weight, energy levels, and fitness goals.
We provide different options to each client based on your specific goals and needs. Each weight management program has three distinct phases: Detox Phase, Restrictive Nutritional Phase (23 or 43 days in duration), and Maintenance Phase.
Our Weight Management Program is designed to achieve the following:
- Improve body composition.
- Target the underlying cause of your weight issues and address non-essential fat stores.
- Provide a weight-management solution for clients who have “tried everything” and are ready to start losing in a healthy way and achieving results that last.
Once we help you achieve your goal weight, we will work with you on reintroducing foods to your diet and provide you with the tools you need to continue to make healthy choices and maintain your results long-term.
The Solution is here! Weight-Management Program directs you to your ideal body weight, energy levels, and more. Designing a plan that encourages you to accomplish your fitness and holistically.