Holistic Remedies

Trusted by experts, natural, safe, simple to use, and transparent.


Detox & Immunity

Reproductive organs


If you are like most of my clients, you are not typical.

You are a smart wellness seeker who learned the difference between suppressing your maladies with a quick fix and getting to the root cause of your issues and learning the tools and getting results fast.

You sense something is off. You do not feel like yourself. You have nagging imbalances/infirmities that do not go away no matter what you try.

You have been exhaustively searching and looking for answers. You even have talked to several health care providers, but you still feel no relief.

You are at the point, where the only thing you want is to feel 100% yourself again. And you want to finally know the truth about yourself—from all levels of your existence but you are not sure what path will get you there.

You want natural, holistic methods without side effects and tools you can use. You do not want to wait many years, but you want it now, while you can still do something about it. You already explored and know where you need to go.

You do believe in doing natural choices because are safe, effective, measurable, and sustainable. No more searching for the magic pill. You are ready to make some lasting changes—for life.

Start getting answers.


Alicia C.Omana, Ph.D. MPH, CCHS, International Wellness Consultant-Alternative Wellness Medicine, Traditional Naturopath to Improve Health Practitioner.

I was trained as a clinician with excellent clinical training in Mexico. I did as much as possible to treat my patients with care, compassion, and dignity. I dedicated my time to resolving their concerns and helping to alleviate their conditions.

Over my 35-year career, I have noticed something interesting: people consistently tell me that they cannot seem to achieve the vibrant wellness and health they want or realize their goals because they feel something is holding them back. Often, they need help figuring out why they feel the way they feel.

During my sessions, I educate my clients on how to connect with their innermost selves and profound wisdom to identify the blocks and patterns that are interfering with their ability to achieve their goals and desires. We work holistically on all levels of existence: Body, mental, emotional, social, environmental, spiritual, and ethereal.

My clients are committed to self-advancement, and we build long-lasting relationships based on respect and trust. I am dedicated to helping my clients experience a complete physical balance well-being with joy, success, and abundance.


Holistic Wellness to Improve Health

We offer an extensive list of wellness services personalized to each client's needs. Depending on the service, we offer virtual sessions.

I am a wellness/nutritional family consultant and alternative medicine practitioner; as a traditional naturopath, I can help people live with optimal wellness standards by eating delicious, whole foods and removing toxins from processed foods and hidden sugars from their kitchen pantries.

I work with people who are experiencing imbalances daily and who want tools and education and want to find the root causes of their imbalances by providing support to have more energy, mental clarity, and motivation so they can find their enthusiasm, joy, and energy again.

Our program may help you to support a functional gut and restore stable blood sugar levels and other imbalances.

Our sessions can be rendered in One to One sessions online or as part of a Personalized Program (depending on the needs of the client).

Succesful Healing Stories

"Happy with the fact that I will be with no medicines but all-natural. Thankful that I found out what is wrong with me and will be helped naturally according to MY needs. Service was professional and very helpful. Warm atmosphere."


"Thank you for the great and professional service. I am glad to know that this center really cares about the well-being of its community offering natural solutions and NO Chemicals, NO Toxins and NO CARCINOGENS in their skin!! GREAT JOB!!!"


"Ms. Alicia is a wonderful lady. Very professional and polite. Offers great comfort to know she is experienced and brings hope to achieve better wellness and improve health."


"Ms. Omana is kindly and polite. She took enough time to listen to my problems and explained in detail. She tried to find the root cause of my problems."


Disclaimer: Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or another healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this website. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.