Quantum Energy - Frequency Wellness & Health Improvement
Quantum Biofeedback is a technology that communicates stress relief signals on a quantum level to support health physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our System program uses subtle frequencies to restore harmonic resonance by balancing stress. This advanced device identifies stress potential and highlights your energetic health priorities. Learn about your stressors and enhance your health.
Physics is the science of matter and energy, including light, sound, and electricity. Quantum Biofeedback utilizes principles of quantum physics to establish a connection with your energy field, opening communications between the body and mind. Stresses are detected, and harmonizing programs are initiated to give information to your body. The biofeedback program utilizes subtle, vibrational frequencies on an electrical level in the form of sine waves. These sine waves carry information that reduces stress by retraining the body with healthy wavelengths.
Stress Relief Programs
- Revitalize
- Boost Immunity
- Emotional Harmony
- Improve Sleep
Biofeedback Measurements are carried out by a harness system, which allows for a low-current electrical connection between the client and the computer. The harness utilizes galvanic skin response to communicate between your body and the software with relaxation programs. This passive biofeedback process allows the client to relax while the harmonic frequencies assist the body’s self-corrective, natural mechanisms by encouraging homeostasis and relaxation.
Quantum Energy can optimize your well-being by distance as an additional option.
What is Quantum Energy by Distance Wellbeing to Improve Health?
Distance well-being is the energetic frequency process via airwaves through quantum physics principles. In scientific circles, this is known as non-local well-being or distant healing. It is a proven scientific fact that this method of wellness is exceptionally effective. Harvard University holds seminars in non-local healing. The medical establishment has performed many double-blind studies that also prove its effectiveness.
How does Distance Wellbeing improve Healing work?
Distance well-being to improve health works according to quantum physics. In Quantum, everything is connected. Everything is part of a continuous whole. Distance is not a factor. Distance well-being to improve health is a wireless technology and works on a principle like a cell phone. It is well accepted that the garage door opener and the television remote work by wireless methods—the cell phone works at even greater distances. There must be a sender and a receiver. In this case, the sender is our system device, and the receiver is the person.
How does THE LIFE SYSTEM find a particular person at a great distance?
It is a medically proven fact that prayer heals. How does prayer reach the right person? By intent.
What can the Distance well-being session tell me about the physical details of the session?
We use a stress and pain management system that helps to harmonize vital energies. Our device takes thousands of measurements based on subtle responses to stressors during the session. We are not medical doctors at Quantum, so we cannot offer diagnoses, treatments, or cures for any illness. But we can access your energy system and apply stress management techniques using biofeedback.
How effective is Distance Wellness in improving Health?
It is highly effective. Clients call us from all around the United States and worldwide. We can address stress quickly and effectively. Many recipients feel energy during or within days of the sessions. An additional session or more may be called for depending on the situation. Distance Well-being has no side effects to improve health; most people respond rapidly. Thousands of people around the United States have received Distance Sessions. We do Distance Well-being to improve health daily to help them balance stress and strengthen their vital energies.
Our system device offers biofeedback for stress reduction and relaxation. It is FDA-registered in the United States as a stress-reduction biofeedback device.
Biofeedback is the process of receiving information from the body. This biofeedback system offers safe and gentle frequencies that reduce stress on the body and mind. The excellent advantage of this biofeedback is that we can communicate back to your body with signals that help the body relax. When your body feels relaxed, it has the energy to heal itself. The System program helps the body to self-regulate and retrains the body to relax. The program can support and help with stress reduction for weight regulation, addictions, cravings, digestion, sleep, allergies, and emotions. All that is required is your relaxation and willingness to receive improvements to your health and well-being.
There are many paths, and individuals will find that some are more suited to them than others. Of note are clients who testify that their distance sessions are more profound than in person and vice versa. I encourage clients to experience distance (metaspace) and in-person (harness) sessions. Clients working at a distance can usually relax more efficiently in their natural surroundings. If the client truly engages and adds their conscious intention, they will receive great benefits, whether in harness or by distance sessions.
Everything is Intention!
Bioenergy Quantum & Harmony Soul/Body/Mind
The harness system is used during an in-person session. The client is connected to the harness system, which creates a low-current electrical connection between the client and a computer to communicate between your body and the software with relaxation programs. This biofeedback process is non-invasive allowing the client to relax, while the harmonic frequencies assist the body’s self-corrective, natural mechanisms, by encouraging homeostasis and relaxation.
BY QUANTUM DISTANCE ENERGY OPTIMIZING WELLNESS SYSTEM Quantum Biofeedback is a technology that communicates stress relief signals on a quantum level to support physical, mental, and emotional health. Our System program uses subtle frequencies to restore harmonic resonance by balancing stress. This advanced device identifies stress potential and highlights your energetic health priorities. Learn about your stressors and enhance your health. Physics is the science of matter and energy, including light, sound, and electricity. Quantum Biofeedback utilizes principles of quantum physics to establish a connection with your energy field, opening communications between the body and mind. Stresses are detected, and harmonizing programs are initiated to give information to your body. The biofeedback program utilizes subtle, vibrational frequencies on an electrical level in the form of sine waves. These sine waves carry information that reduces stress by retraining the body with healthy wavelengths. Stress Relief Programs Revitalize Boost Immunity Emotional Harmony Improve Sleep SPINAL NERVE ENERGY FLOW SPINE WAVES FOR HEALTHY RESONANCE Biofeedback Measurements are carried out by a harness system, which allows for a low-current electrical connection between the client and the computer. The harness utilizes galvanic skin response to communicate between your body and the software with relaxation programs. This passive biofeedback process allows the client to relax while the harmonic frequencies assist the body’s self-corrective, natural mechanisms by encouraging homeostasis and relaxation. Quantum Energy can optimize your well-being by distance as an additional option. QUANTUM ENERGY DISTANCE WELL-BEING EDUCATION What is Quantum Energy by Distance Wellbeing to improve health? Distance well-being is the energetic frequency process via airwaves through quantum physics principles. In scientific circles, this is known as non-local well-being or distant healing. It is a proven scientific fact that this method of wellness is exceptionally effective. Harvard University holds seminars in non-local healing. The medical establishment has performed many double-blind studies that also prove its effectiveness. How does Distance Wellbeing improve Healing work? Distance well-being to improve health works according to quantum physics. In Quantum, everything is connected. Everything is part of a continuous whole. Distance is not a factor. Distance well-being to improve health is a wireless technology and works on a principle like a cell phone. It is well accepted that the garage door opener and the television remote work by wireless methods—the cell phone works at even greater distances. There must be a sender and a receiver. In this case, the sender is our system device, and the receiver is the person. How does THE LIFE SYSTEM find a particular person at a great distance? It is a medically proven fact that prayer heals. How does prayer reach the right person? By intent. What can the Distance well-being session tell me about the physical details of the session? We use a stress and pain management system that helps to harmonize vital energies. Our device takes thousands of measurements based on subtle responses to stressors during the session. We are not medical doctors at Quantum, so we cannot offer diagnoses, treatments, or cures for any illness. But we can access your energy system and apply stress management techniques using biofeedback. How effective is Distance Wellness in improving Health? It is highly effective. Clients call us from all around the United States and worldwide. We can address stress quickly and effectively. Many recipients feel energy during or within days of the sessions. An additional session or more may be called for depending on the situation. Distance Well-being has no side effects to improve health; most people respond rapidly. Thousands of people around the United States have received Distance Sessions. We do Distance Well-being to improve health daily to help them balance stress and strengthen their vital energies. Our system device offers biofeedback for stress reduction and relaxation. It is FDA Registered in the United States as a stress-reduction biofeedback device. Biofeedback is the process of receiving information from the body. This biofeedback system offers safe and gentle frequencies that reduce stress on the body and mind. The excellent advantage of this biofeedback is that we can communicate back to your body with signals that help the body relax. When your body feels relaxed, it has the energy to heal itself. The System program helps the body to self-regulate and retrains the body to relax. The program can support and help stress reduction for weight regulation, addictions, cravings, digestion, sleep, allergies, and emotions. All that is required is your relaxation and willingness to receive improvements to your health and well-being. There are many paths, and individuals will find that some are more suited to them than others. Of note are clients who testify that their distance sessions are more profound than in person and vice versa. I encourage clients to experience distance (metaspace) and in-person (harness) sessions. I have found that clients working at a distance can usually relax more efficiently in their natural surroundings. If the client truly engages and adds their conscious intention, they will receive great benefits, whether in harness or by distance sessions. Everything is Intention! START YOUR WELLNESS AND HEALTH IMPROVEMENT TODAY!